Top 4 Anime Shows to watch if you are a Beginner.


Anime is a type of content that is made for every age group, whether you are 11 or 50 years old. Anime is just what you need to relax yourself. From the past two years anime is becoming more and more famous all over the world. Earlier it was embarrassing to watch anime but now it’s a trend. Whether it’s action or romance or comedy you are gonna find every genre you can think of. Well I don’t really know the literal definition of anime, or you can say  I cannot just write few words describing this amazing content, so here is what google describes it as (A.K.A. the literal definition) :-

Anime is hand-drawn and computer animation originating from Japan. In Japan and in Japanese, anime describes all animated works, regardless of style or origin. However, outside of Japan and in English, anime is colloquial for Japanese animation and refers specifically to animation produced in Japan.

Do your friends watch anime all the time? And you also want to give it a shot? Well as a beginner it won’t be easy for you to find your ideal anime genre or the stuff you’ll like. It will probably take you ages to find a show you want to start with. Don’t worry that’s why I am writing this blog (lol ;)) . So here are some anime shows and movies you can watch and start you anime journey from. Whew… the introduction for pretty long.

 Death Note  

A PIECE OF LITERAL ART. Like how should I even describe it? A perfect mixture of mystery, thriller and supernatural stuff. When I started watching death not I binged watched it for 3 hours straight. If you are a beginner and don’t know where to start from you should watch death note first. It tells you what anime really is, like most people have a mindset that it is for kids well you are absolutely wrong. Just some 2D characters CAN totally change your mindset of viewing and judging things.

Now let’s comeback to death note, no spoilers but I will just tell you what it is really about, just the base of the story. A highschool student finds a mysterious book, and that’s where the story begins. The story basically revolves around this highschool student “light yagami” and a detective called “L”. But there are a lot’s of twists (some twists I personally did not expected ToT). To be frank I wasn’t able figure out who the villain was, and If I even knew I wouldn’t tell. Heh.

This story has an amazing story-line, amazing characters, both dubbed and subbed were amazing. And you should definitely watch it.


Even if you haven’t watched any anime in your entire life, you must have heard the name of “Naruto. This is the first anime of many people (including me). Naruto is an anime that gives you a lot of life lessons, tells you how important friendship is, and it definitely entertains you. If you are beginner you should watch Naruto as your 2nd anime because it is very long, there are a lot of seasons and each season at least has more than 200 episodes. There are total of 4 seasons in the original naruto series. And yes there is a sequel to Naruto “Boruto” but I will not go in much detail about the sequel.

Naruto is an action, fantasy and comedy. To be very honest Naruto IS quite emotional, like I said before it teaches you some very important life lessons. Now about the story, Naruto uzumaki is the male lead but the show is stolen by many other characters that take the main role in different seasons. The 1st season is about a boy ( Naruto) that has a beast sealed inside of him, how he makes new friends and how people around him adopt and start loving him. “Sasuke uchiha”, “Sakura”, “Kakashi” and “The Akatsukis” are also some main characters.

The characters are all awesome, they all have their own importance in the show. The storyline is also good, but you might feel like it’s too long and get bored, but trust me it’s worth a watch.

Kimi no na wa / Your Name

As you are a beginner and don’t know much about anime and it’s genres, I am gonna recommend you to watch different genres so you can sought out what you like the most. Kimi no na wa is a very emotional yet fun movie to watch. Well it is mostly emotional, but the rolar coaster of emotions you are gonna experience by watching this 1h 52m movie is just awesome.

This movie is a romantic fantasy, of two teenagers having the ability of swapping there bodies. It is about how they fall in love and protect each other. There are surely some funny scenes in it as well. This movie has amazing animation and the storyline is just perfect. Don’t worry this movie is not just emotional, it is one of those movies that you are never gonna regret watching. Plus point it has a happy ending, what else do we need? Trust me and just go already to watch this piece of art.

 Tokyo revengers 

WOW, like just WOW. Look I am not overreacting, but this is just worth of all the WOWs in this entire world. This is one of the best animes I have ever watched in my ENTIRE BEAUTIFUL LIFE. You must be thinking if I like this anime that much why didn’t I recommended it earlier? Well you need guts for watching this thing, and if you are a beginner I’ll probably not recommend this show on no.1 (no.4 is just the right spot). Okay so this anime is an action anime but this is again a roler coaster of emotions. Well it is mostly emotional. I mean in a good way.

You will just form a bond between those character, you will be sad when they are sad, you will be happy when they are happy. Okay now the story, the male lead of this story is a 26 year old man who was not able to achieve anything in his life (except a part time job). This takemichi guy can go back in time, and that is how he tries to protect his high school girlfriend who was caught in an accident. And in this the girlfriend’s younger brother helps him who is also a police inspector. (I didn’t explain it nicely, okay I know, ahem…) this anime is gonna make you feel empty. You should definitely watch this.


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